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What is the Census? 
The Census is used to count every person, both adults and kids, living in the United States. The United States Census Bureau conducts a census every 10 years and the data collected is used to distribute billions in federal funds for local, state, and tribal governments each year. Additionally, the Census determines the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Census asks questions of people in homes and group living situations, including how many people live or stay in each home, and the sex, age and race of each person. The goal is to count everyone once.

Why is the Census important for Tuscaloosa and Alabama? The information collected by this Census will help determine how our community will receive its share of $13 billion in federal funds for schools, hospitals, roads, public works, and other programs. The census also determines the number of seats Alabama has in the U.S. House of Representatives. Currently, Alabama has seven seats but with a projected slowed population growth, Alabama is in danger of losing one of our seven seats. This would mean once less voice advocating for Alabama at the federal level. We can avoid this if we all participate!

How do I complete the Census? You may respond in one of three ways:

  1. Respond online: Click here to complete the questionnaire online by using a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  2. Respond by phone: Call the U.S. Census Bureau at 844-330-2020. To complete the call with a language other than English, click here. 
  3. Respond by mail: Mail back the paper questionnaire sent to your home. For help responding by mail, click here. 

The process will take about six (6) minutes and is safe, secure, and confidential.

Additional Resources:
United States Census Bureau
Alabama Counts’ Website
Alabama Counts on Twitter